Practical Perio - Leading Periodontal Education
Advanced periodontology for DCPS and dentists
This four day course covers periodontology in more detail and allows participants to delve deeper into the aetiology, progression and treatment of a range of periodontal diseases. This course runs for one day per month for four straight months. Numbers are limited to keep groups small and interactive. Learning and teaching are in an open and honest environment where debate and interaction is encouraged.
Module One - Overview in Periodontics
- Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
- Risk based assessment of the dental patient
- The extraoral and intraoral soft tissue examinations
- Periodontal assessment of the healthy and diseased patient
- Special tests and radiographic interpretation
- Preparing for direct access
Module Two - Diagnosis and Foundations of Care
- Advanced diagnosis of the periodontal patient
- Rationale for periodontal treatment
- iTop and Touch to teach training
- Educational psychology and patient education
- Record keeping and monitoring the periodontal patient
Module Three - Instrumentation and Debridement
- Non-surgical treatments for the periodontal patient (Chronic and Aggressive Disease)
- Site specific instruments
- Advanced instrumentation (hands on session)
- Adjunctive therapies
- Case studies
Module Four - Surgical Management and Implant Management
- Surgical management of periodontitis
- Management of thin and receded tissues
- Management and maintenance of dental implants
- Periimplantitis and its management
- Conclusions
All course materials will be provided including aids to assist in compliance for direct access hygiene services.
This course is designed as a four day course and is best enjoyed and benefited from in this way. However, if space permits, single day booking is permitted (preference is given to four day bookings if oversubscribed)
Cost for all four days £800 (group booking discount available for 6 or more participants), or £250 per day.
For online booking, click here
Monthly payment plan is available, email for details